Thank you for installing Alerts for Joystick!
To select custom sounds to play with follows, chat, dropins, and other stream events, type
!alerts config
into chat in publisher view. This will send you a personal link to the configuration page. This link will be valid until a new link is generated for your chat.
You can select sounds for each type of event from a list, or enter a URL to use any .wav, .ogg, or .mp3 file online!
It is also possible to use audio clips from, which has a large library of sound effects. To use these sounds, follow the instructions here
The config page will also have a URL for the browser source you will need to capture in OBS. If you want to have alerts in multiple scenes, you will need to add the browser capture to each scene. When doing so, each capture should be added as a reference, not as a duplicate, and not captured as a brand new browser source.
Be sure to click "Submit" at the bottom of the configuration page when you are finished.
You can test your alerts sounds, once you have the bot set up and the overlay in place in OBS, by using commands in the publisher view. Type !alerts test and then the name of the event you want to test. If it is a tip, you can specify an amount OR a tip menu item. For isntance:
!alerts test follow
!alerts test subscribe
!alerts test wheel
!alerts test tip
!alerts test tip 100
!alerts test tip Flash Cock