Thank you for installing the Raffler! This bot will track who tips and chats in your room, as well as your current viewers, in order to randomly select winners for giveaways and special rewards!
There are three major ways to select winniners, with some customization and variety to further help you create the experience you want for your giveaway.
Note that this bot is only aware of user events that occur AFTER the bot is installed. Installing it and then immediately holding a raffle will only select possible winners who have tipped, entered the room, etc, since the installation.
Randomly selecting a current viewer in your room is as straightfoward as typing
!raffle viewers
!raffle v
into chat. Only the broadcaster and any mods are able to use this command, and it will randomly select one person in the room other than the broadcaster.
If you wish to select a winner of your raffle based on engagement, you must select the time frame. Engagement in this context is chatting, tipping, following or subscribing (only new follows or subs count), or spinning your wheel.
The shortest way to raffle engaged viewers is with a Quick Raffle. Simply type into chat
!raffle quick
and a 60 second timer will start, at the end of which, a winner who has engaged in that time will be selected as the winner.
It is also possible to raffle viewers going further back, selecting from all viewers who have engaged with you in the last day, week, or month.
To select a winner in a given time frame, use:
!raffle day
!raffle week
!raffle month
You can also use just the first letter of the time period, such as:
!raffle m
You can limit winners to those who have spent tokens in your room (which is to say, have tipped or spun your wheel) by adding "tipped" or "t" to the end of the command. For isntance:
!raffle week tipped
!raffle w t
You can also limit winners to those who are currently in your room by adding "viewing" or "v" to the end of the command. For isntance:
!raffle day viewing
!raffle d v
Quick raffles always select from currently viewing users, and the "v" parameter is not needed.
These can be combined to include only current viewers who have tipped in the allotted time frame like so:
!raffle week v t
When limiting to both current viewers and tippers, the order of the v and t arguments does not matter. For instance, this also works:
!raffle week tipped viewer
Will randomly select one viewer who has spent tokens in your room in the last week.
These commands are also only available to the streamer and any mods in the room.
The final way to manage and conduct a raffle is with raffle tickets. Doing so requires that you have menu item that contains the word "raffle" (not case sensitive). Every time that a person tips for that, it assigns them one raffle ticket. (I do plan on eventually adding functionality for multiple tickets in a single tip menu item).
Selecting a winner is then as simple as:
!raffle tickets
!raffle t
Once a raffle ticket has been pulled, that ticket is removed from the pool, although other tickets bought by the same user will remain in play. You can therefore use this method to draw multiple winners by entering the command several times.
In order to clear the pool of raffle tickets, to end a current raffle and begin a new one, the streamer or one of their mods will enter
!raffle cleartickets
into chat. This is the only command that cannot be abbreviated in any way, such that it is less likely to be entered in error.
In order to gift a raffle ticket, a mod can enter "!raffle gift username" or "!raffle g username" into chat. For instance:
!raffle gift HedonisticSatyr
Grants HedonisticSatyr one free raffle ticket.
Any user can list currently held tickets with
!raffle list
!raffle l